스리랑카어(싱할라어)-한국어 사전


명사 발음: [ klēśaya ] [ ක්ලේශය ]


  1. 슬픔, 비애, 조심, 뒤, 양육, 고통
  1. any passion, desire or evil affection, අභිලාෂය, කෙලෙස්
  2. sorrow, affliction, care, දුක. B. teaches that ක්ලේශය or desire is the root of all sin and sorrow, and renders transmigration and continued existence inevitable until all ක්ලේශ are subdued and exterminated
  3. when that is accomplished නිර්‍වාණ or non-existence is attained. The non-attainment of it,—that is, continued conscious existence,—is regarded as a calamity, and it is the supreme object of B. and its laws and observances to effect the extermination of ක්ලේශ.


  1. any passion

Carter, Charles. A Sinhalese-English dictionary. Colombo: The "Ceylon Observer" Printing Works; London: Probsthain & Co., 1924.

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