අට වක
발음: [ aṭa vaka ] [ අට වක ]
අට වක , අට වක් දින, අට වක් පොහො දින
- (වක lunar day), eighth day after the new or full moon.
- පැළවිය (the day after the new or full moon)
- පාටිපද (first day after the new or full moon, )
- දිය·වක (the second day after of the full moon or of the new moon)
- විසේනිය (fifth day after the new or full moon, )
- සට·වක (sixth day after the new or full moon)
- තෙළෙස්·වක (thirteenth day after the new or full moon)
- ජලවක (fourth day of the new or full moon)
- කාර්තතිකෝත්සවය (festival of Kārtika month on the day after the new or full moon)
- අව පෑළවිය (day after full moon, first day of the wane)
- දර්ශය (day of the new moon, )
- පෞණි·මිසිය (day of the full moon, )
- ගුණුව (day of full moon, )
- පෞරාණි·මාසය (a day of the full moon)
- පූර්ණ·මාව (day of full moon, )
- අව ජල වක (the after or latter fourth day, viz, fourth day after the full moon)
- කෞමදිය (day of the full moon in the month, )
- පෞෂිය (full-moon day in the month)
- ආග්රහායර්ණය (day of the full moon in the month)
- සිනීබාලිය (the day before the new moon, )
- පුර·ජල·වක (fourth day of the new moon)
- පිණු·පොහොය (B, day of the full moon, full-moon festival)
- පහළොස්වක (fifteenth day or day of the full moon)
- නම·වක (ninth day of the new or full moon, which is considered unlucky)
- පුර·පහළොස්·වක (fifteenth day, viz, day of the full moon)
- ශුක්ල·පක්ෂය (the light half of the month from new to full moon, )
- අව පසළොස් වක (fifteenth day of the moon's wane, day of the new moon, )
Carter, Charles. A Sinhalese-English dictionary. Colombo: The "Ceylon Observer" Printing Works; London: Probsthain & Co., 1924.
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