스리랑카어(싱할라어)-한국어 사전

  • ඪෝලය [ ḍhōlaya ]

    (명사) large drum, .
  • [ ṇa ]

    (명사) Nasal letter of the third or cerebral class of consonants, N. There is no perceptible difference now in sound between this and the dental , and very few words commence with this letter.
  • ණය [ ṇaya ]

    (명사) 빚, 부채, 채무
  • ණය·ඔප්පුව [ ṇaya·oppuva ]

    (명사) 약속 어음, 결속, 결합, 매듭
  • ණය·තුරහ [ ṇaya·turaha ]

    (명사) 빚, 부채
  • ණය·තුරුස් [ ṇaya·turus ]

    (형용사) debit// indebted.
  • ණය·තුරුස්කම [ ṇaya·turuskama ]

    (명사) 덕분
  • ණය·හිමියා [ ṇaya·himiyā ]

    (명사) 대금업자, 채권자
  • ණයකාරයා [ ṇayakārayā ]

    (명사) 채무자
  • ණයගන්නවා [ ṇayagannavā ]

    (동사) 빌리다, 얻다, 기인하다//
  • ණයටදෙනවා [ ṇayaṭadenavā ]

    (동사) 빌리다, 빌려주다//
  • [ n̆ḍa ]

    (명사) 아스
  • [ ta ]

    (명사) The first of the dentals or fourth class of consonants. Its sound is that of th sharpened, as a foreigner unaccustomed to the sound would pronunce it in the word This, viz. about half way between Tis and This.
  • [ ta ]

    (대명사) used for , gen. case of , as , thy heart.
  • ත·ගණය [ ta·gaṇaya ]

    (명사) a poetical foot, antibachchic, viz. — — two syllables long and the third short (marked in Sinh. — —).
  • ත·පුණ්‍යය [ ta·puṇyaya ]

    (명사) extraordinary virtue or merit, .
  • ත·බව [ ta·bava ]

    (형용사) E. of .
  • ත·ශබ්දය [ ta·śabdaya ]

    (명사) the vocable : grammatical term for the second person singular or plural as derived from .
  • ත·සද [ ta·sada ]

    (명사) 이인칭
  • ත·සම [ ta·sama ]

    () homogeneous, of the same form as the original word, .