스리랑카어(싱할라어)-한국어 사전


명사 발음: [ pratitya·samutpādaya ] [ ප්‍රතිත්‍ය·සමුත්පාදය ]


  1. 죽음, 사망, 사신, 저승사자, 책을 오래 보존하기 바르던 기름, 삼목유, 살인, 파멸, 파괴
  1. (ප්‍රතිත්‍ය original, සං. with, උත්පාදය birth), the original birth or coming into existence (of sentient beings), which is said by Buddha to be from ignorance, from which proceeded the faculty of reflection, and from reflection knowledge, from knowledge the union of mind and matter or body and spirit, from this came the six senses, from these the faculty of perception, from perception enjoyment, from enjoyment desire, from desire the generative faculty, from this came all the various beings from gods to the minutest reptiles, whence all the incidents of life and circumstances of nature, as sorrow, decay, death, transinigration &c.

Carter, Charles. A Sinhalese-English dictionary. Colombo: The "Ceylon Observer" Printing Works; London: Probsthain & Co., 1924.

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