스리랑카어(싱할라어)-한국어 사전


발음: [ mænava ] [ මැනව ]

මැනව , මැනවි

  1. ~처럼, 못지않다, ~만큼 ~하게, 로, 가능한 ~하게, 아스, ~로써, 처럼
  1. a word equivalent to හොඳයි: 'It is good or it would be well if'. It is generally used with the past tense of a verb in a precative sense as a very respectful or earnest entreaty, as මේක කළ මැනව, 'It would be well if you did this, be pleased to do this.' [Cp. මනා.]

Carter, Charles. A Sinhalese-English dictionary. Colombo: The "Ceylon Observer" Printing Works; London: Probsthain & Co., 1924.

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